
成功人士 午飯時間的10個習慣


【林奐成 /綜合報導】上班族工作繁忙,就連吃飯都難以離開辦公桌,往往是坐在電腦前匆匆用餐後,又要重新奮戰。外國有人事顧問公司的研究指,在美國及加拿大,能夠 離開辦公桌享受午飯的人只有19%。美國《赫芬頓郵報》報導,專家稱午飯時間是為身體充電、尋找啟發以及建立人脈的大好時機,以下10個成功人士午飯時間 的習慣,有助於提高生產力。

加拿大著名演講家柯爾(Michael Kerr)接受《富比士》雜誌訪問時表示,越來越多報告稱,坐得太久會對身體造成負面影響,所以離開坐位,到別處用餐十分重要。



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秘密(吸引力法則) 中英文對照


A year ago my life had collapsed around me.
;一年以前, 我的生活彻底崩溃了.
I've worked myself into exhaustion,
My father died suddenly
and my relationships were in turmoil.
Little did I know at the time
out of my greatest despair
was to come the greatest gift.
I've been given a glimpse of a great secret.
I began tracing the secret back through history
I couldn't believe all the people who knew this.
;我简直不敢相信, 那些知道这个秘密的人,
They were the greatest people in history.
All I wanted to do was to
share this secret with the world.
I began searching for people alive today
who know the secret.
One by one they began to emerge.
;一个接一个, 他们出现在我的面前...
If you know this secret
it gives you everything you want.
;如果你知道了这个秘密, 你
Happiness, health and wealth.
You can have, do or be anything you want.
We can have whatever that is we choose.
I don't care how big it is.
What kind of a house do you wanna live in?
Do you wanna be a millionaire?
What kind of a business do you wanna have?
Do you want more success?
What do you really want?
I've seen many miracles take
place in people's lives.
Financial miracles,
miracles of physical healing,
mental healing,
healing in relationships...
All of this happen because of
knowing how to apply the secret.
This is the great secret of life.
You've probably been sitting there
wondering what is this secret.
I'll tell you how I have come
to understand it.
We all work with one infinite power.
We all guide ourselves
by exactly the same laws.
The natural laws of the Universe
are so precise
That we don't even have any difficulty
building spaceships,
we can send people to the moon,
and we can time the landing with the
precision of a fraction of a second.
I don't care if you're an Indian,
if you're in Australia, New Zealand,
Stockholm or London,
or Toronto, or Montreal, or New York...
;或者多伦多, 或蒙特利尔, 或纽约.
We all working with one power,
one law.
It's attraction.
The secret is the Law of Attraction.
Everything that's coming into your life,
you are attracting into your life.
And it's attracted to you by virtue of the image
as you're holding in your mind.
It's what you're thinking.
You see, whatever is
going on in your mind
you are attracting to you.
Now, wise people have always known that.
You go right back to the ancient Babylonians
they've always known this.
It's a small select group of people.
Why do you think that 1% of the population
earns around 96% of all the money
that's being earned?
Do you think that's an accident?
It's no accident.
It's designed that way.
They understand something.
They understand the secret.
And you are being introduced to the secret.


The simplest way for me to look at
the Law of Attraction
is if I think of myself as a magnet.
And I know that a magnet
will attract to it.
Very basically put, the Law of Attraction
says that like attracts like.
;简单的说, 吸引力的规律就是
But we're really talking
at the level of thought.
Our job as humans is to hold on
to the thoughts of what we want,
make it absolutely clear in our minds
what we want
and from there we start to invoke
one of the greatest laws in the Universe
and that's the Law of Attraction.
You become what you think about most,
but you also attract
what you think about most.
If you see it in here
you're gonna hold it here.
And that principle can be summed up
in three simple words:
What most people don't understand is
that a thought has a frequency.
Every thought has a frequency.
We can measure a thought.
It's if you're thinking that thought
over and over and over again
or if you're imagining in your mind
having that brand new car,
having the money that you need,
building that company,
finding your soul mate;
if you imagine what that looks like
you're emitting that frequency
on a consistent basis.
Thoughts are sending out
that magnetic signal
that is drawing the parallel
back to you.


See yourself living in abundance
and you will attract that.
It always works.
it works every time
with every person.
Here's the problem:
most people are thinking
about what they don't want
and they're wondering why it shows up
over and over and over again.
The Law of Attraction doesn't care whether you
perceive something to be good or bad
or whether you don't want it
or whether you do want it
it's responding to your thoughts.
So if you're sitting there,
looking at a mountain of debt
feeling terrible about it,
that's a signal you're putting out
to the Universe.
"Wow, I feel really bad because of
all this debt I've got."
You're just affirming it to yourself,
you feel it on every level
of your being,
that's what you're gonna get more of.
So, when you're looking
at that thing you want
and you're saying yes to it,
you're activating a thought
and the Law of Attraction
is responding to that thought
But when you're looking at
something that you do not want
and you shout no at it
you're actually not
pushing it away.
Instead, you're activating the very
thought of what you do not want
and now Law of Attraction is lining
those things up for you also.
This is a Universe that is
based upon attraction.
Everything is about attraction.
The Law of Attraction is always working
whether you believe it or understand
it or not.
It's always working.
You might be thinking about past
or the present, or the future,
but whether you're remembering
or observing, or imagining
still in that process
you are activating thought
and Law of Attraction, which is the
most powerful law in the Universe,
is responding to your thought.


Creation is always happening.
Every time an individual has a thought
or a prolonged, chronic way of thinking
they're in the creation process,
something is gonna manifest
out of those thoughts.
Law of Attraction says:
"We'll give you whatever it is
you say and focus on."
So, if you're complaining about
how bad it is
were you creating this
more of how bad it is.
I had a student named Robert.
Robert was a gay man
and he was taking an on-line course I have,
a part of which entails e-mail access to me.
And he outlined all of the grim realities of his life.
In his job, all the people ganged up on him.
And it was constantly stressful 
because of how nasty they all have been.
When he walked down the street, he said,
in every block he was accosted by homophobic people
;在每个街区, 都有些敌视同性恋的人找他麻烦
who wanted to abuse him in some way.
He was wanting to become a stand-up comedian.
And when he went out and did the stand-up comedy job
everybody hackled him about being gay.
;在场的每个人都会嘲笑他, 因为他是一个同性恋.
And his whole life was one of a lot of unhappiness and misery
and it all focused around this idea of being attacked because he was gay.
I began to teach him that he was focusing on what he did not want.
I have directed him back to his e-mail that he sent me and I said,
;我让他看他自己发给我的邮件, 说:
read it again, ;再读一下,
look at all the things you do not want
that you're telling me about,
and I can tell you're very passionate about this;
when you focus on something with a lot of passion
it makes it happen even faster.
And then he really started taking this thing about
focusing on what you want to hurt.
And he began really trying.
What happened within the next six to eight weeks
was absolutely a miracle.
He said that all the people in his office
that had been harassing him
either transferred to another department
or quit working at the company
or started totally leaving him alone.
And he began to love his job.
He noticed that when he was walking down the street
that nobody came up to him and harassed him anymore.
They just weren't there.
When he went and did his stand-up comedy
he started getting standing ovations
and nobody was hackling him.
His whole life changed
because he changed from focusing
on what he did not want,
what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid,
to focusing on what he did want.


So we may be very positive in our outlook and orientation,
and we tend to attract positive people
and positive events and circumstances.
We may be very negative in our orientation, very angry,
in which case we tend to attract negative, angry people
and negative , angry circumstances.
And so you end up attracting to you
the predominate thought that you're holding in your awareness.
Whether those thoughts are conscious
or whether they're unconscious,
that's the rub.
If you look very carefully
when it comes to the secret, the power of our mind,
the power of our attention in our daily lives
it's all around us.
All we gotta do is open our eyes
and look. ;去认识
You see Law of Attraction evidenced in your society
when you see that the one who speaks most of illness - has it,
when you see that the one who speaks most of prosperity - has it.
Law of Attraction is evident everywhere around you
if you're understanding what it is.
It has to do with you being a magnet,
attracting thought, attracting people,
attracting events, attracting life style.
Indeed everything that you bring into your experience,
you bring because of this powerful Law of Attraction.
I mean, I'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary, craziness.
I'm talking to you from a deeper basic understanding.
Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery.
It says that you can't have a Universe without mind entering into it.
The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.
Now, if you do not understand, 
that doesn't mean you should reject that.
You don't understand the electricity properly.
First of all, no one even knows what electricity is.
And yet you enjoy the benefits off it.
Do you know how it works?
I don't know how it works. ;我不知道。
But I do know this: ;但我知道这点:
that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity
and you can also cook the man.

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Dr. Soul心靈醫生心理診所院長莊凱迪指出,從心理學的角度來分析,「潛意識其實一直在暗中替我們做出各種決定。」潛意識中的想法,會變成自己給自己的預言,最後在生活中實現。





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進入40歲的第一天,阿明在一家咖啡館喝了一下午的咖啡, 牛奶、糖、咖啡在杯子裡交融。阿明用湯匙攪拌著, 他想:「一個月又過去了,做為汽車銷售店的店長,衝刺了一整月之後,所有的數字又再次歸零旖,明天又是新的一天;而明天是我40歲的第二天,日子又要進入新的循環?又要開始為新的數字衝刺? 」辭去月入新台幣十多萬的工作,老闆問他是否另有高就?




阿明笑著說:「因為我身體裡面有一個夢慢慢消化,所以就瘦了。」 阿明以前很胖的時候,總是自我調侃的說: 「因為我懷著一個很大的夢,所以,我就變得很胖, 有一天,當我瘦下來的時候,就是我的夢生出來的時候。」阿明的夢就是開一家咖啡館。



阿明從一個汽車銷售員變成一個咖啡館的老闆,他在名片上印了一句歐洲藝術家的話:「我不在家,就在咖啡館;不在咖啡館,就在去咖啡館的路上」 人對成功的定義是不同的,但只要能做自己想做的事,且堅持到底..我想:這就是一種幸福吧!




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